Rabu, 01 Desember 2010


Frankly speaking, gw sebenernya udah bosen curhat masalah kantor gw yang nggak berkesudahan. Kasusnya pun terulang lagi hal yang sama alias nggak ada perubahan yang signifikan. Bikin moral kerja gw semakin merosot ke level satu (degradasi akut).

Mungkin gw stop nulis dulu yah di blog sampek ada penyelesaian yang konkrit tentang permasalahan-permasalahan di kantor gw ini? Ibaratnya nonton filem kalau endingnya hang (ngegantung) kan nggak asyik jadinya..kepikiran terus atau malah jadi perdebatan (contoh kasus: filem Inception).

Tapi setelah gw pertimbangkan lagi, andaikan gw nggak curhat di blog efek sampingnya malah jadi shopping atau makan melulu. (Huaaaaa!) Dilema..oh..dilema (uuuggggh)

FYI, sampai detik ini ternyata Pak Boss Besar belom melakukan transfer pembayaran gaji staff. Hal ini disebabkan karena tadi malem dia baru pulang dari pelesiran ke Phuket, Thailand. Barusan dapet kabar dari Olip kalau Pak Boss baru dateng dengan senyum mengembang. "He seems to be in a good mood" (Oh yeah? Wait till he sees my email)

Yup, tadi pagi gw kirim email ke Pak Boss Besar sekalian gw cc juga emailnya ke Nenek Gerondong sebagai Finance Manager. Please find below the copy paste:

Following to our discussion in September regarding the lateness of payments, I would like to suggest that the Company should have a back up plan regarding the salary payments to the staff. Especially, the Directors that approved the payments has quite a busy travel schedule which in several case may caused both of them to unable access the internet banking or signing the cheques (if any).
I understand that the Company has a policy for staff to take turns in taking leave/travel schedule so that there will always be an officer in-standby to handle and take care of the duties. This should apply to the Directors too.
My suggestion is that the Directors should inform Finance Department at least ten days prior the leave/travel plan to enable the Finance Manager in managing the payment schedule.
Thank you

Demikianlah email gw. But somehow, gw merasa kurang ngegaplok sih isinya. Mestinya gw semprot aja sekalian pake air merica biar pedes. Tapi..ah susah kalau gw berjuang sendirian. Pak Manajer hanya berani ngedumel dan ngomel-ngomel dibelakang. Giliran maju directly ke Pak Boss Besar langsung ngibrit kayak ayam dislepet pantatnya. Payah deh...

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