Kamis, 29 September 2011


Pernah tau nggak friends tentang sebuah penelitian yang mengatakan bahwa menyanyi itu baik untuk kesehatan. Kenapa? Karena dengan menyanyi suasana hati menjadi gembira (stress hilang pikiran tenang). Emang bener sih udah terbukti kok sama gw hehehe....

Selain itu pada saat kita bernyanyi paru paru bergerak meningkatkan denyut jantung secara teratur, which is membuat badan jadi bugar, misalnya nyanyi lagu lagu Celine Dion, Katy Perry dan Mariah Carey yang emang perlu tarikan suara yang kuat (nyanyi sambil dipegangin).

Kegiatan menyanyi ini sebenernya sudah banyak digemari oleh semua lapisan masyarakat dari anak-anak, remaja, orang dewasa bahkan nenek2 dan kakek2. Stigma negatif yang memukul rata bahwa semua tempat karaoke itu nggak bener pun sudah berubah. Menurut gw hanya orang orang yang konservatif (kolot/takut pada perubahan) yang masih berpikiran negatif begitu. Mungkin aja sebenernya mereka jealous kepingin juga nyeng nyong tapi nggak pede hihihi.

Untunglah jaman sekarang wadah/media untuk menyalurkan bakat terpendam ini menjamur di Jakarta. Berhubung gw tinggal di bagian selatan so dibawah ini ada beberapa tempat yang pernah gw hinggapi. Mau pilih yang mana hayooo...
  1.  NAV Fatmawati: murah meriah lumayan bagus biasanya digemari anak kuliahan/pelajar 
  2. HAPPY PUPPY BSD dan Bintaro: soundnya bagus dengan layar touch screen canggih 
  3. INUL VIZTA Melawai: lagu lengkap, agak tua dekornya tapi lokasi strategis
  4. INUL VIZTA FX: masih gres, sound lumayan bagus tapi agak mahal 
  5. HAPPY SONGS PIM: tempatnya nyaman dan ada paket murmer nyanyi + makan/minum
  6. MPOINTS Blok M: mahal! Tempatnya elit plus disediakan lady escorts yg cantik cantik
  7. ZODIAC Citywalk: idem dengan yg di atas, cocok untuk Esmud idung belalang
Gw sendiri biasanya hang out with my bestfriends di Inul Vizta FX atau Melawai. Bisa sampe tiga jam baru puas tuh dapet giliran nyanyi semua. Yang bikin seru adalah setelah nyanyi ada score nya. Kadang kita kompetisi duet, biasanya gw duet dengan Marqie atau Kubil. Sahabat gw, Agnes biasanya duet dengan Dito. Sumpeh seru banget! Duh jadi pengen nyanyi deh hehehe...

 Here are my favorite songs:
·         Taylor Swift – Back to December
·         One Republic – Secrets
·         Lenka – Trouble is a Friend
·         Bruno Mars – Lazy Song, Just The Way U Are
·         Muse – Starlight
·         Kla Project – Gerimis, Yogyakarta, Negeri di Awan
·         Kotak – Selalu Cinta, Pelan Pelan Saja
·         Jennifer Love Hewitt – Barenaked
·         Maroon 5 – Moves Like Jagger, She Will be Loved
·         Mariah Carey – One Sweet Day, Without You

So what’s your song lists, friends?

Kamis, 22 September 2011

I Need Another Story

Unbelievable! I’ve been spending almost 5 months relaxing at work. Jam sibuk gw tiap hari adalah dari jam 08.30 pagi sampai jam 11.30 pagi dan hampir bisa dipastikan setelah jam makan siang gw bisa browsing browsing sampe pegel..hihihi *klik klik klik!*

Tetapi ada saatnya sih sehari bisa kirim 3 sampai 4 reports ke mailing list yg terdiri dari 2360 email addresses. But of course I’m equipped with an email system called Atomic Mail yang bisa ngirim sekaligus ke 500 emails sekali send *wohooo!*.

Anyway my smooth sailing life at work akhirnya menyebabkan gw jarang bisa meng-update blog ini dengan cerita cerita boss psycho. Sebenernya ada sih beberapa insiden aneh yang gw alami di kantor baru tapiiii sepertinya gw udah kebal hehehe. Sehingga gw belom merasa perlu menuliskannya di blog ini. Ibarat laler masih bisa gw keplak. *plakk!*

So friends..kali ini gw masih akan menceritakan kisah sedih di kantor lama yaitu ratapan anak pungut: Mbak Mini.

Ceritanya sepeninggal gw lima bulan yang lalu, Pak Boss Besar mulai panik karena setelah sebulan lebih melalui proses rekrutmen belum ada satupun kandidat yang sreg di hatinya. Ehem...ya gimana ya Pih emang gw itu tak tergantikan sih! (nyengir narsis).

Maka Pak Manajer mencoba untuk memberikan solusi (setelah berdiskusi dgn gw di suatu sore), yaitu mengangkat Mbak Mini sebagai Office Administrator yang baru dan kemudian merekrut Sekretaris Junior untuk membantu kerja Mbak Mini. Akhirnya Papih pun menerima ide tersebut dengan syarat:

  1. Mbak Mini menjabat posisi Office Administrator dengan masa percobaan tiga bulan (buset deh karyawan lama aja masih ada probationary period)
  2. Setelah masa percobaan lewat akan ada review/assesment apakah Mbak Mini cocok menjabat posisi tersebut 
  3. Jika ndak cocok maka Mbak Mini akan kembali menjabat posisi sekretaris dan mereka akan merekrut Office Manager baru
Berita buruk itu datang di suatu sore ketika gw sedang bernyengnyong ria bersama sahabat gw, Agnes. Tiba-tiba terima BBM berbunyi: Satu lagi monyet tertipuuu! (icon nangis sesenggukan)
Nggak lama Mbak Mini pun menelpon gw...

Mini: Ternyata setelah tiga bulan aku nggak lolos masa percobaan
Gw: Hah? Kok bisa?
Mini: Ya bisalah..Papih merasa aku belom mampu menjadi Office Admin yg baru
Gw: Oooh
Mini: Dan selama ini aku nggak ada salary adjustment padahal kan aku udah mengerjakan kerjaannya.

Kebayang sih gimana kecewanya Mbak Mini...tapi knowing si Papih yg perfeksionis dan nyebelin abis, kemungkinan buruk begini bisa aja terjadi. Gw yakin banget kalau Mbak Mini udah berusaha maksimal tapi mungkin belum cukup maksimal di mata Papih. Mungkin belum cukup berdarah darah seperti gw dulu (halah!).

Kasian Mbak Mini..yang sabar ya. Nggak ada saran lain dari gw sih selain mulai mencari cari kerjaan baru. Apalagi sekarang yang jadi boss Admin adalah Nenek Gerondong. Iiiih amit amit! *ketok ketok meja* Sumpah deh gw kalo inget inget kejadian dulu jadi rada nyesel kenapa nggak gw voodoo aja tu orang. Hust!***

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011


Setiap hari sejak tiga bulan yang lalu, langkah kaki gw terasa ringan mau berangkat ke kantor. I’m having happy feet everyday, its a feeling that I’ve lost a couple of years ago. Mimpi buruk itu bermula sejak kedatangan si Nenek Gerondong (jeng..jeng!)

Dia itu ibarat Freddy Krueger, baik dalam alam mimpi maupun alam nyata bisa sama-sama bikin orang mati berdiri. Makanya setelah selama 1.5 tahun gw diteror dengan berbagai mimpi buruk akhirnya gw bisa mengakhiri episode horror itu dengan pindah kerja (syukur Alhamdulillah).

Tapi nggak demikian dengan mbak Minie. Masih inget kan, my assistant in the University of Melancholy? Dia masih terperangkap di situ ibarat burung dalam sangkar emas. Kenapa gw bilang sangkar emas? Karena jujur aja kemasannya sangat indah dan mahal: fancy chocolates, designer’s bag and fine wines. I kinda missed those things hehehe...

Anyway mbak Mini curhat tadi pagi kalau Nenek Gerondong makin menjadi jadi. Beginilah kisahnya:

Dua minggu yang lalu, mbak Mini udah mengajukan THR karyawan karena sesuai peraturan undang-undang kudu dibayarkan 2 minggu sebelum lebaran atau minimal 1 minggu sebelum lebaran.

Kemarin pagi, amplop yg ditunggu tunggu pun datang yaitu kiriman cheques dari head office. Namun betapa terkejutnya mbak Mini *bzzzt!* (bagai disambar gledek), nggak ada satu pun cheque pembayaran THR di dalamnya hanya ada cheque untuk pembayaran ke supplier.

Panik? Ya of course dong cyiiin...bisa didemo sama pak OB dan pak Sopir lah! Mbak Minie pun mencoba menghubungi kantor pusat (Mayday! Mayday!) tapi malah disambut dengan sambaran gledek yang kedua: Olip (asisten Nenek Gerondong) lagi block leave alias cuti seminggu penuh.

Nah lho? Mbak Mini pun berusaha menghubungi Nenek Gerondong yang dengan konsisten menolak mengangkat telpon. Saran gw sih, mungkin sekali sekali mesti dicoba ngirim sinyal lewat mbah dukun Ki Joko Bodo biar berasa dikit tusukan tusukan jarum gaib di kepala Nenek Gerondong. Kali aja jadi bener..heh..heh..heh (tertawa terkekeh)

Entah gimana akhirnya Nenek Gerondong memberikan penjelasan secara tidak jelas bahwa hari ini baru akan ditransfer pembayaran THR nya ke rekening masing-masing. Lega? Eits nanti dulu! Dengan catatan menunggu si Papih bangun bobo’ secara dia lagi berlibur ke Perancis dan hak mutlak untuk melakukan transfer via internet banking ada di tangan Papih (pingsan celentang)***

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Just Another Stupid Story

It seems that the recent update on Nyazarudin’s high profile case will end up anti-climax. I’m sure some of the readers has predicted this will happen but of course not ASAP (As Soon As Possible). Yep..be prepared for a super huge dissapointment.

The Committee of Wizard Corruption Watch (“WCW”) is caught by surprised by Nyazarudin’s sudden change in attitude. He requested to be punished immediately without further investigation. Nyazarudin also pleaded to the committee to protect his wife and children from harm. He has appointed his lawyer, Oswald, shall be their safe-keeper.

“This new development has caught us off guard,” said the Head of Investigator.”This U-turn is a surprised to all of us here. We’re also not sure why.”

Look dude, who are you trying to kid? It’s obvious that Nyazarudin does not trust justice in this country. His life is endangered and so does his family. OR maybe they did the Obliviate spell towards him which makes him “forget”.

Alas, the summary of this whole news are:

1.       We have no choice but to trust the stupid authorities
2.       They have caught a stupid criminal
3.       This is going to be another stupid story

Case closed?***

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

The Case of The Whistle Blower

Nyazaruddin, the young politician wizard, is still making headlines in the news all over the country. Climbing steadily in the Most Wanted chart, he is now the numero uno of the week. (applause!)

Despite his good looking and calm demeanor, we have yet to discover his darker side of personality. Rumours whirls around the block that he was planning to crushed (literally) Sir Hamsley, one of the Chairman in the Wizard Corruption Watch (“WCW”). The plan was spilled in one of the Ethical Committee of Wizardry (“ECW”) hearings, based on a conversation recorded between Nyazaruddin and his muggle worker, Abe.

“Get someone to beat the hell out of that b*stard Hamsley!” (hissing sound) “Make him feel sorry that he was ever born!”(hissing again) “It will teach him a lesson not to messed up with me.”
“But sir..this is mad” Abe timidly answered
“I’m willing to pay billions of galeon! How mad is that?” Hahaha....(evil laughter)

But of course, this rumour has yet to be confirmed by the Aurors. (So don’t get too excited readers).

Prior to his capture in Colombia, he was in contact with one of the muggle television station using telephonic video. During the connection, he’s threatening everyone in his political party that he will blow-the-whistle as a payback. “I have all the evidence here in this hocrux.”

Hmmm it seems that almost everybody in his party are dirrrtyyy. This makes us wonder if the picture includes their leader, “He-Who-Knows-So-Well”.

And now that Nyazarudin is back in  the country, his only life warranty may only be the hocrux. But where is the hocrux now? Another mystery for the Aurors to dig. Stay tune***

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011


Saturday, 13 August. The Wizard Corruption Watch has successfully returned the lost boy, Nyazarudin, back to Awkwarts. They wanted to ensure his safetiness by chartering a private PortKey (PK 123456). Muggles & wizards are buzzing at the airport waiting for Nyazarudin arrival which is said to be guarded by a couple of Dementors wearing black masks.

"What's going to be Nyazarudin fate?" ask a reporter
"His life is in danger but they are not gonna do it in public" said a spectator
"What will happen do you think?" ask the reporter again
"They would probably sell to us the story that Nyazarudin tried to escape Azkaban and they have no choice but to stop him with the Avadakadavra spell" another said
"Oh dear that's horrible!" exclaimed the reporter. "But wonder where is his wife now? Didn't see her around"
"She maybe wearing the invisible cloak, keeping the last hocrux away from the Ministry of (Unlawful) Magic. The key is in the hocrux unless they can extract Nyazarudin's memory into the pensieve"
"Can't they use a veritaserum?"
"The serum are out of stock a long time ago. Besides it never worked to extract the truth from all previous corruptors!" (shrug)

Up to this minute speculations are still hanging across the country. How will this story end? Stay tune in the next report***

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Sometimes (Just Sometimes)

Heeeyyy friends, how have you guys been? Nggak terasa udah 3 x gajian nih di kantor baru dan Alhamdulillah nggak pernah telat! Hehehehe

Gw sekarang gawe di perusahaan Securities House (sekuritas) based in Malaysia,a join venture with an Indonesian entity. The total employees in Jakarta is about 150 staff..wooo bandingkan waktu dulu gw kerja dengan suasana 4L (Lu Lagi Lu Lagi) *ooeekkss*

I’m the admin support & coordinator in the research division, my main responsibilities are sending research reports to clients, replying to their queries on the reports, arranging company visit and plant visit. I don’t do rubbish works that I’m not paid for hahaha...

So far I get along well with everybody in the new work place. My bosses are nice and so are my colleagues. Every month we had a gathering between the Institutional Sales and Research Dept, either eating out or karaoke night. It’s fun!

But sometimes (just sometimes) I do missed the fine chocolates and good wines that my ex-boss used to share. Usually around this time of year he would return from his summer holiday in France and brought me a box of chocolates in a fancy box *oo la la* ^ _ ^ He would bought small souvenirs too adding to my souvenir collections.

Raju (my ex-colleague) saw my status update on FB and asked “Are you signalling something?” hahaha...No laaaa. I just missed the chocolates and wines. Nothing else. No regrets in everything that’s going on in my life. Its  a story line that will keep on growing until the end.

Anyway so sorry I’ve not been updating this page. Karena pada dasarnya inti gw nulis di sini adalah untuk curhat. Berhubung udah nggak ada hal yang mengerikan lagi untuk diceritakan..mungkin gw akan ganti content nya dengan cerita horror aja kali yah? Hihihi***

Senin, 25 April 2011


Hey friends nggak terasa udah hampir sebulan gw nggak posting cerita di blog. Banyak hal yang terjadi sih yang baik maupun yang buruk (mostly the bad things) tapi rasanya gw udah nggak terlalu perduli juga. Alias its not going to be my problem anymore whatever it is hahaha *tertawa bebas*

And so ini adalah hari terakhir gw pentas di perusahaan ini. Frankly, I don't get any applause nor standing ovation from Pak Manajer, Pak Boss Ketjil dan Nenek Gerondong. Bahkan email tanda terimakasih gw pun tak di jawab. Ah ya sudahlah...bagi gw yang penting Pak Boss Besar (my Papih) dan Mr. Balaram reply email gw dengan sungguh-sungguh. If you don't mind I'd like to share their notes:

My Papih said:

Thank you for your farewell note. I would love to stake a claim some credit for the wonderful person that you are-thoughtful, caring, poise, smart, humorous and professional-but I will have to admit that is all due to the good values imparted by your family and your strong sense of self and desire for personal development. We will miss you very much and your absence will be felt by all

*hiks..terharu gw jadinya*

Mr. Balaram said:

Thanks for especially remembering me in your farewell message. It means much to me and I will cherish it. And yes, at least between you and me, this is certainly not the end. I value your friendship. All the best to you in your career and family.

*thank you Pak*
Nggak terasa udah hampir jam 4 sore..gw pun sudah selesai mengosongkan laci dan kolong meja dari benda-benda tak berguna. I've packed all my personal belongings into one big travel bag and two carton boxes. My fourteen years stuffs:

Until we meet again my friends probably in my next adventure in the corporate world. As I said to my Papih and Mr. Balaram in my farewell note "Friends will always remain as friends no matter where we are".****

Selasa, 05 April 2011


Mungkin dulu gw pernah cerita (lupa sih kapan) bahwa gw punya ex-boss orang India, sebut aja namanya Mr. Balaram. Walopun udah nggak kerja di sini namun terkadang dia sering diundang untuk ngasih coaching sessions to the Managers & Directors. 

Tanpa sepengetahuan orang kantor kita masih sering email-emailan via hotmail. Biasanya sih gw yang curhat dan minta pendapat ex-boss gw itu tentang problem-problem yang naudzubillah bin pelik.

So kisah pengunduran diri gw dari perusahaan ini pun jadi topik anget dalam chat kami kemarin. Mr. Balaram sempet wanti-wanti bahwa the saga is not over yet until the last day of your service. It will be interesting to know if in the end you will get a detachment pay (semacam uang perpisahan).

Haduh jujur aja gw bener-bener nggak mengharapkan kompensasi apa-apa sih selain hak yang disebutkan dalam UU no. 13 thn 2003. Sisanya terserah perusahaan hantu belau aja deh..daripada gw sinting mikirinnya, ya nggak?

Speaking of compensation and detachment pay, Mr. Balaram cerita bahwa kisah haru biru tentang perpisahan karyawan di kantor ini udah sering terjadi sebelumnya. Ada beberapa karyawan loyal yang ujung-ujungnya malah berantem sama si Papih karena hak nya nggak dibayar. Hohoho...why am I not surprised? Kalo urusan duit si Papih itu ngalahin kejamnya Hitler.

Tapi sebenernya diluar itu Papih orangnya royal dalam hal traktir makan, minum wine dan hadiah natal. Kita sering kok diajak dinner di fancy restaurant, minum wine yg mahal dan hadiah-hadiah macam tas, parfum atau cokelat.

Mr. Balaram said that "Your boss can treat the group a dinner worth 1000 dollars. Not to mention the expensive wines. But he didn't realized that actually everybody just want their fair portion of 250 dollars. Because by the end of the day the dinner will end up as SHIT!!" Hwahahahaha.....bener bangeeettt.****

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Hari ini Pak Boss Besar (si Papih) tiba di Jakarta khusus ketemu dengan gw untuk membicarakan mengenai keputusan gw mengundurkan diri. Bukannya gw ke ge-eran tapi malah sebaliknya deg degan setengah mati. Rasanya udah baca Al-Fatihah tiga kali. Sedari pagi perut mules walopun gw berlagak tegar di depan temen-temen hehehe.

Sejak kemarin Pak Boss Ketjil dan Pak Manajer udah sibuk ngasih tau ke gw Talking Points yang mesti disampaikan ke Papih. Pesan-pesan aspiratif untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraan karyawan di perusahaan ini yang herannya mereka nggak sanggup katakan langsung kepada Pak Boss Besar. Kasiaaan deh loe! They are hiding behind my skirt. Malah Pak Manajer kabur ke Singapore meninggalkan gw hari ini untuk menghadapi Papih sendirian. Huaaaa! Awas ye loe pada...

So siang tadi, Papih ngajak makan siang di Pepenero. Jujur aja gw nggak selera makan karena udah keburu senewen. Akhirnya pesen tuna salad dan lemon juice. Selama makan siang kita ngobrol-ngobrol tentang berbagai hal but mostly about our family and kids. By the end of the meal the feeling is lighter and he initiated the conversation that we have been avoiding for the past few hours.

He's ready with his pen and paper to jot down whatever my complaints are that he will commit to make amends.  Explaining from A to Z the many opportunities that he wants to offer me including working in Singapore for 6 months. He also apologized and admit it was his mistake that made me unhappy.

I just smiled and replied:
Gw: I didn't say I am not happy
Papih: Really? Then why do you want to leave?
Gw: Because I had to. I've been with this Company for fourteen years. I have to move or else I will lose my soul.
Papih: You can work in Singapore for 6 months for a change
Gw: (menggeleng) I need a new environment, new people to work with. I want to graduate from this company. Its about time don't you think?
Papih: Nothing can change your mind?
Gw: (menggeleng lagi) I'm sorry Pak..But please please give me your blessings. I really need that.
Papih: (bengong) Not even double your salary?
Gw: (nyengir sambil geleng geleng) No..its not about the money.
Hening sejenak (gw ngaduk ngaduk tuna)
Papih: Well..you got to do what you got to do. I'm sad thought and I don't know what to say. Can I call you back in 6 months time? (masih usaha)
Gw: hahaha..I can't promise anything
Papih: Ok..I understand. (muka sedih) I can't think of how life in the office would be without you around?
Gw: (terharu juga sih) It wouldn't be that bad..you'll get used to it in a few months
Hening lagi...(kali ini rada lama dan gw sendiri bingung mau ngomong apa)
Papih: I'll send the car to pick you up in 6 months time hahaha!
Gw: Hahaha...

So that's how the story ended friends. Peacefully and amicably. Thought from years of experience I learned not to trust him but I can see that he is sincere with his feelings just now.

And as for the two sissies (Pak Boss Ketjil & Pak Manajer), maap yah gw nggak menyampaikan aspirasi kalian. Sepertinya kalian harus belajar untuk bersikap, berprinsip dan mengemukakan pendapat sendiri. Jangan jadi banci selamanya yaaaa***

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Dibutuhkan segera satu orang wanita untuk mengisi posisi: Sekretaris-Personal Assistant-Office Manager. Batas usia maksimal 35 thn serta yang penting baik hati.

1. Berpengalaman minimal 5 thn bekerja dengan boss psycho
2. Lancar berbahasa Inggris dan Urdu (bahasa yang kedua hanya untuk ngatain kalo lagi kesel)
3. Humoris (nggak mudah tersinggung kalo diomelin)
4. Tidak memiliki ilmu bela diri sama sekali (takut khilaf meng-smackdown boss nya)
5. Tidak menjalani program diet (kalo stress disarankan makan cokelat)
6. Tidak memiliki hobi menulis (dikhawatirkan curhat di blog)

Gaji menarik yaitu antara angka ganjil dan genap. Bonus/insentif tiap tahun dikali 1 bln gaji dibagi 2 dikali 1.

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV dilengkapi dengan pas foto 3 x 4 (nyengir) ke: 100drajatcelcius@gmail.com

Kami tunggu lamaran anda!***


I think my boss has gone insane. Last night he sms-ed a super long message. (Which I didn't reply of course) I just switched my BB to silent mode. Apparently, he had a sleepless night because I didn't say anything back. (Oops sorry)

And this morning he sent me another email still repeating the same song but with extra salt: a 50% salary raise! Now isn't that wicked? hahaha...

Almost noon, Jarjit called me and surprisingly he was asked by  BOSS  to talked me into canceling my resignation. Please deh BOSS..Jarjit is no match for me. I can easily outspoken him with my admirable communication skill. Hohoho...(Padang gitu loh)

Out of desperation Jarjit simply asked: What can we do to make you happy? Is there a way that we can seduced you into leaving us?

I say: NO. Full stop. Tell boss please stop harassing me...

I'm sorry guys..I am not trying to play hard to get with you. But really...I already did gave the signs during every quarterly and annual reviews. Those problems has been discussed before. This is just crap talk about making changes for the better. Why now? Is it because I am resigning?

I've known BOSS for fourteen years remember? Yes in a way he is a nice person and I owe my success to him. But I did repay back with my dedication and excellent service.

So please don't stop me from graduating Summa Cum Laude from this University of Melancholy hahaha***

Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Wah..nggak nyangka impact surat resignation gw bisa demikian ngerepotin semua orang huehehehe. Gimana nggak? Setelah Papih nelpon..giliran Pak Boss Ketjil yang nelpon..terus Pak Manajer juga ikut-ikutan nyumbang ide walopun semuanya terkesan lame dan basi. Sorry guys..I'm not going to buy that anymore.

Mungkin karena frustrasi kali yah bicara ditelpon nggak mempan, Papih pun mengirimkan email panjang  lebar bagaikan surat penetapan Presiden:

"I want to be very open about your situation because I want to find solutions to the issues you raised, and to structure a work scope that accommodates a career path that suits you.  I had a chat with the guys, and we universally believe it will be a terrible shame if you leave, and think you should reconsider and stay with us.

We will work to address the Push Factors, it seems that we can come up with some quick solutions on most of the issues, and those that might be more complicated we will work to address.  I will work with FM when she gets back (she is out this week) to streamline the bureaucracy and payment system, and to clarify all issues pertaining to Bonus, etc.

Regarding your set of responsibilities, please let me know if there is anything that you would really like to change, to add or subtract, or whether you would like to consider working more on the advisory business, for example.  We are open to all possibilities.  I commit to you to make every effort to find interesting, challenging and rewarding work for you.

Please also keep in mind the strong relationships you have developed over the years at this Company, and credibility you have, and the support you have been given and can expect to receive in the future.  The grass always looks greener on the other side, and sometimes we may forget how nice it is where we are.

Feel free to reach out if there are any other issues that we have not covered, and I will do my best to address them; for example I would be happy to discuss a salary adjustment.

I hope you will reconsider and decide to stay with us, we are a great team and it would be very sad to have that break up."

Halaaah Papih..kemana aja kemaren-kemaren? Gw udah berbusa ngomong dari sejak blog ini exist tentang masalah-masalah yang ada di kantor. But you wouldn't listen and you don't give a damn. And now that I am leaving you suddenly wanted to make commitments? Its too late..

Now my only concern is how to get out from this Company smoothly. This is what I'm writing to him:

"Thank you very much for your kind expression of appreciation and support to me.

I reminded you about the push factors in the same spirit of openness in which you have kindly written to me. There is nothing new in them and they have been there for quite sometimes since January 2010. When you say that you will take appropriate action on them, I totally believe you. But for me it is now too late to turn back on the course that I have chosen with due consideration and great sadness.

I would like to forever be a friend of this company and yours. Therefore it is up to you to reward my 14 years of service, for which you have so kindly expressed such high regards, by making my exit smooth-both emotionally and logistically-or not.

I shall be grateful for your kind acceptance of my resignation dated 25 March and for graciously allowing me to bid fond farewell to the Company on 25 April."

I Love You..Goodbyeee!!!! Hohoho***


This is it! Gw akhirnya mengundurkan dari perusahaan ini pada hari Jumat minggu lalu. Wow..empat belas tahun lho ternyata. Gw bongkar-bongkar file personnel dan menemukan surat perjanjian kerja gw tertanggal 1 Oktober 1997. Hwahaha....how ancient. Warna suratnya pun udah rada pudar persis dokumen perjuangan jaman baheula.

Saat itu Pak Boss Ketjil shock berat sambil mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan:

1. What? (Apa yang terjadi)
Pliis deh udah tau tapi masih nanyak. Siapa yang sudi sih kerja 1001 macam tapi gaji tiap bulan telat terus?  Uang makan dan transport overtime juga udah dicabut sejak awal tahun ini. Bonus tahun 2009 aja masih ada separuh ditahan sama perusahaan. Bayangkaaan?!

2. Why? (Kenapa)
Jawabannya idem sama yang di atas hehehe

3. When? (Kapan)
Well my last working day shall be on 25 April

4. Where? (Kemana)
Mau tauuuu ajah! Hohoho... 

Tapi lain halnya dengan menghadapi Pak Boss Besar (my papih). Frankly speaking it is far more difficult to deal with him. Begitu dia terima email gw tadi pagi (persis ketika gw selesai menghabiskan secangkir kopi)

Krriiiinggg!!! Krriiingggg!!!

Papih :Apa kabar? (basa basi)
Gw: Baik Pak and you? 
Papih: Yeah I'm fine. Listen..I want to talk to you about your email. Can you kindly let me know what is it that you want me to do?
Gw: Ha? (bingung maksudnya apa)
Papih: Let me know what I must do to change your mind (tegas)
Gw: Oh! (perut mulai mules) Well..(matilah gw mesti ngomong apaan yak?)
Papih: Anything that you want me to do I will commit and accommodate as long as you change your mind

Ampun deh..entah kenapa gw selalu nggak bisa sadis terhadap si Papih. He always has his ways to make me feel guilty. Aaarrggghhhh!!!

And you know what? Ketika gw akan menjawab semua statements nya. Papih bilang: "Please don't answer. I don't want to hear your answer now. I want you to think it over and reconsider. I will call you again tomorrow morning" Jreeenggg...jreenngggg....

Menghayal background Krisdayanti singing lagu I Love You Goodbyeeee***

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011


I want to...hit somebody with boxing gloves
I want to..shoot the canvasses and bags
I want to..kill the CCTV on my way out
I want to..write whatever I like
I want to..smoke cigarettes
I want to..drink beer from the bottle
I want to..sing all night long
I want to..tell everyone that I'm feeling blue
I want to..know will I be forgiven for these sins?

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011


Baru kali ini nih gw merasa boring di hari Jumat. Pak Boss Ketjil dan Pak Manajer tadi pagi udah berangkat ke Solo untuk meeting dengan klien. Hari ini Papih juga tumben-tumbenan nggak reseh ngirim email yang aneh-aneh. Barusan bongkar koleksi DVD di laci...yaaah udah nonton semua (complete series of Vampire Diaries Season One).

Baca berita di website The Age (koran Australia) heran juga ada berita  tentang Indonesia di situ.  Beritanya mengenai kebocoran rahasia di Wikileaks yang diperoleh dari laporan diplomatik Amerika tentang Pak Presiden kita yang menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya (Abused Power) untuk mempengaruhi jaksa dan hakim demi melindungi para koruptor. Salah satunya adalah Taufik Kiemas. Informasi tersebut didapatkan oleh pihak Amerika melalui penasehat presiden TB Silalahi. (Haaa...penasehat presiden kok ember?!)

Dalam bocoran tersebut juga disinggung tentang mantan Wapres kita yang melakukan money politics demi meraih kursi ketua partai Beringin di tahun 2004. Hmmm...money politic dalam Partai Beringin? Ah basiiiii.....

Sutralah gw paling benci berita politik. Pada akhirnya kita cuma jadi korban propaganda mereka melalui media. Nggak ngerti juga mesti percaya yang mana. Lagi asik-asik klak klik cari berita menarik tiba-tiba...Newsflash dua jam yang lalu. Jepang dilanda gempa susulan berkekuatan 8.8 SR. Oh dear...my thoughts and prayers for the victims and survivors. Menurut berita tersebut saat ini pengawasan tsunami pun tengah dilakukan untuk wilayah Guam, Taiwan, Filipina, Indonesia dan kepulauan Hawaii. Ya Alloh..jangan sampek Indonesia dilanda gempa demikian dashyat. Nggak berani ngebayanginnya. (merinding)

Baca berita di detik.com ternyata Jusuf Kalla sedang berada di Tokyo ketika gempa terjadi. Rupanya doski mau ikut Peace Process Exchange Workshop yaitu konprensi juru runding perdamaian untuk sejumlah konflik di dunia. Ooo..mungkin karena niatnya ke sana buat urusan perdamaian jadinya beliau selamet dari bencana deh (asal tebak). Lalu apa kabarnya MIYABI yaaaaaa? Hehehe...

Kita beralih ke berita makanan yuk? My reliable source of local gastronomic happenings is detikfood. Seneng aja baca-baca tentang pengetahuan makanan dan resep-resep masakan. Mereka juga ngasih kesempatan buat para pembaca untuk ngasih review tentang suatu tempat makan. Review yang ditampilkan di website bakalan dapet hadiah voucher menginap di hotel atau makan di resto tertentu. Wuidih..asik juga nih. Maybe I'll try to submit my review later.

And..hey look! Tadi siang ada live chatting dengan Pak Bondan Winarno tentang masakan Padang.  The all time favorite food of everybody. Eeeh nggak percaya? Pak Bos Ketjil dan Papih gw bisa ngabisin  masing-masing 6 potong ayam Pop lho! Pak Bos Ketjil juga doyan makan gulai kikil. Livechat dengan Pak Bondan ngebahas aneka macam masakan Padang mulai dari rendang basah, rendang kering, dendeng baraciak dan pangek pisang. Onde mandeee...gadang salero ambo! Jadi pengen makan nasi kapau. Hehehe ***