Senin, 25 April 2011


Hey friends nggak terasa udah hampir sebulan gw nggak posting cerita di blog. Banyak hal yang terjadi sih yang baik maupun yang buruk (mostly the bad things) tapi rasanya gw udah nggak terlalu perduli juga. Alias its not going to be my problem anymore whatever it is hahaha *tertawa bebas*

And so ini adalah hari terakhir gw pentas di perusahaan ini. Frankly, I don't get any applause nor standing ovation from Pak Manajer, Pak Boss Ketjil dan Nenek Gerondong. Bahkan email tanda terimakasih gw pun tak di jawab. Ah ya sudahlah...bagi gw yang penting Pak Boss Besar (my Papih) dan Mr. Balaram reply email gw dengan sungguh-sungguh. If you don't mind I'd like to share their notes:

My Papih said:

Thank you for your farewell note. I would love to stake a claim some credit for the wonderful person that you are-thoughtful, caring, poise, smart, humorous and professional-but I will have to admit that is all due to the good values imparted by your family and your strong sense of self and desire for personal development. We will miss you very much and your absence will be felt by all

*hiks..terharu gw jadinya*

Mr. Balaram said:

Thanks for especially remembering me in your farewell message. It means much to me and I will cherish it. And yes, at least between you and me, this is certainly not the end. I value your friendship. All the best to you in your career and family.

*thank you Pak*
Nggak terasa udah hampir jam 4 pun sudah selesai mengosongkan laci dan kolong meja dari benda-benda tak berguna. I've packed all my personal belongings into one big travel bag and two carton boxes. My fourteen years stuffs:

Until we meet again my friends probably in my next adventure in the corporate world. As I said to my Papih and Mr. Balaram in my farewell note "Friends will always remain as friends no matter where we are".****

3 komentar:

  1. Masyaolloohh itu koperr?? eliminasi bu devi oscana? sedih juga yaa..good luck deh, ehm apa masih pakai judul sesenggukan untuk cerita2 di kantor baru?

  2. Goodluck... hope you get what you need and also what you want....

  3. Selamat atas wisudany hahhaha:) All the best di tempat baru yah...
