Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


My couzin, Marilyn (what a terrible name) just told me the most amazing stories about her two male bosses. Jujur aja ngedengernya I'm half dead envy (maksudnya iri setengah mati). Masa' iya sih ada boss yang kelakuannya kayak gitu? Lots and lotsa fun everyday? Kenapa nggak kalau mereka adalah dua orang cowok Ostrali yang lazy dan baik hati hehehe.

Marilyn: Tau nggak we have this cool office rules. Monday is "No undie mundy "
Gw: Apaan tuh..hari Senin nggak pake kolor?
Marilyn: Iyaaa
Gw: Wakakakak...najong deh
Marilyn: hahaha ya nggak beneran lah. But that is the ground rules. Terus Tuesday and Thursday are Topless day. Friday is Cake Day and USD (Ugly Dress Day), mereka nggak suka pake batik

Now isn't that fun? She's really lucky to have them as her bosses. She can be a princess (the prettiest in the gang) plus jalan-jalan during office hours secara mereka sering minta ditemenin belanja. Oooh makes me wanna trade my boss! (evil grin)

Marilyn said they are a bunch of prevert too ahahaha...Lucu nih cerita-ceritanya:

Story 1
After seeing a picture of someone being handcuffed, I blurt to my boss...
Me: Have you ever been in handcuffs?
Boss: Why are you asking about my sex life?
Me: (gubrak)

Story 2
At an ice cream shop I just ordered ice cream with extra cream on top
Me: I juz luv whipped cream
Boss: I never knew you were the kinky type?
Me: (ngik ngok)

And they are lovingly crazy alias gokil...
Story 3
Me: Cats are so cute. Do you like cats?
Boss: Yeah I like them but I never eat them whole
Me: (speechless)

Story 4
Boss: Bla bla bla see how my brain work like a computer?
Me: Yeah you're like a robot. I wish you could turn into a robot
Boss: Why?
Me: So that I can switched you off (grin)
Boss nyambit pake kertas dan ternyata itu kertas menu rice Bowl
Me: Oww food!
Boss: (mata melotot muter muter)

Hahaha thanks couzin for sharing these stories with me. Bosses can be fun too. (At least your boss)***

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